
The legal definition of ragging is as follows :

    “Ragging” means the doing of any act which causes, or is likely to cause any physical, psychological or physiological harm of apprehension or shame or embarrassment to a student and includes

     Teasing or abusing or playing Practical joke on or causing hurt to any student.

     Asking any student to do any act, or perfrom any thing, which he/she would not , in the ordinary course, be willing to do or perform.

     Ragging is different from other crimes because the motive is solely to get perverse pleasure. Ragging is also different from other crimes as it is actively promoted by certain sections of the society.

Following types of abuses and activities will be termed as ragging :

     Physical abuse - for example, forcing to eat, drink or smoke, forcing to dress or undress.

     Verbal abuse - for example swear words and phrases, direct or indirect derogatory references to the person’s appearance, attire, religion, caste, family or chosen field of study.

     Forced activity - for example Chores for seniors e.g. copying notes, cleaning rooms, etc.

     Not being allowed to attend classes.

     Staying awake late or getting up at unreasonable times.

     Singing or dancing or performing in any other way

     Using foul language or shouting or cheering loudly.

     Misbehaving with strangers, particularly women.