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    The Central Library of Siddharth Institute of Engineering & Technology supports Institute’s Programme of study and the research needs of faculty and students. It has a good number of Volumes of various subject books, reference books, National and International Journals, Magazines, Project reports with CDs, e-Books, NPTEL Video Lessons etc. The Institute frequently subscribes to many specialized Journals, Periodicals with various subjects of which a few foreign Print Journals.

    The Library has a total area of 1485 Sq. mtr. with ambience reading environment. It facilitates ample space for Students and Faculties with comfortable seating arrangements. All the sources are computerized. The Library has Automation Software with Barcoding system.


    The Digital Library well equipped with 30 Multimedia systems to access e-Journals, e-Books of International standards through DELNET, J-GATE, Taylor & Francis, EBSCO and N-List. Students can access to many of the knowledge networks regarding GRE, TOEFL, GMAT, IELTS and can practice test.

    The Library functions from 8.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m. the library’s extended working hours make it easy for students to fit library research time into their demanding academic schedules.


Total Number of Titles 11560
Total Number of Volumes 62332
Book Bank for SC/ST 2136
Seating capacity 350
Total Number of Back Volumes 540
Total Number of Project Reports 2462
Total Number of CD-ROM 1014
Total Number of National Journals/Magazines 132
Total Number of International Journals (HC) 73
Total Number of e-Journals J-Gate, DELNET, N-List, Taylor & Francis,NDLI Club,KNIMBUS (JNTUA) subscriptions
No. of Computers available in the Digital Library 30
NPTEL Video lessons Available

Working Hours:

     Monday to Saturday : 8.00 A.M. to 8.00 P.M.

     Sundays & Holidays : 9.00 A.M. to 4.00 P.M.

Rules And Regulations:

     1.Strict and absolute silence shall be observed in the Library.

     2.Cell Phone to be switch off inside the library.

     3.Bags, Big handbags, Raincoat, Jerkin and Casual wears are strictly prohibited inside the library.

     4.Members are requested to keep their belongings at the entrance of the Library. However they are advised not to leave cell phones. Purse, money, credit card and other valuables in the handbag outside the library. These items are liable to be lost.

     5.Library Users are strictly prohibited from taking the borrowed and stamped books again inside the library.

     6.If the due data falls on a holiday for the Library, the next working day will be taken as the due date.

     7.Books will be issued to the members only on producing the Membership card.

     8.If any book is lost or damaged beyond repair, the person responsible shall replace it with a new copy or pay double the cost of the recent price and handling charges or as may be decided by the librarian.

     9.Membership Cards are not transferable; Books will not be issued to students on the Membership Card of staff members.

     10.Books will be issued subject to availability only.

     11.No Sub-Lending of Books is permitted.

     12.Any kind of making, underlining, clipping of books is absolutely forbidden, Readers shall be held responsible for any damage done to the book belonging to the Library and shall be required to replace such book or pay the value thereof.

     13.Absence from the University will not be allowed as an excuse for the delay in the return of books.

     14.Under special circumstances, the Librarian may refuse the issue of books or recall the books already issued from any members without assigning any reason thereof.

     15.The following conditions are to be followed for the renewal of books.

        1.The book has to be produced in the Library for renewal

        2.More than one renewal will not be allowed.

     16.No reminders will be issued to individuals but consolidated list of defaulters will be displayed in the library notice board.

     17.The borrower will be responsible for any loss or non-return of any books issued against his/her original or duplicate Library Members ID Card. 18.Reference books, Newspapers, Magazines, journals should not be taken out.

     19.New books received will be on display for a week.

     20.The Library may accept donation of manuscripts, books, periodicals etc. from the donors. Such donations once accepted will become the absolute property of the Institute.

     21.Library timings details of fine structure are displayed on the Library Notice Boards.

     22.Overnight issue is available for selected reference books.

   Note: The above rules are intended to regulate the use of Library resources and will be reviewed Periodically to meet the changing needs. Any Charges in the rules or instructions or information to members will be notified on the Library Notice Board as and when required.


Asst. Librarian 
Data Entry Operator &
Digital Library In charge 

Library Asst.o 
Library Asst. 
: Mrs. H. Kasthuri, M.A.,B.Ed.,M.LiSc.,M.Phill.
: Mrs. P. Sharada, B.A., M.LiSc.
: Mr. T. Muralikrishna, M.A.,PGDCA.
: Mrs. K. Sujatha B.A.
: Mrs. K. Praveena B.A.
: Mr. K. Megavarnam, Inter

Reading Facility

    For reading and referring print documents The library has a Light Reading Area near the newspaper and periodical section and General Reading Area near the book racks to refer books prepare notes, etc.

For reading and referring electronic and digital documents

    The libraryhas OPAC terminals where their users can access online and offline databases, library databases and request for headphones for viewing digital documents. The Wi-Fi facilities make it easier to access and refer the electronic and digitised resources via laptops.

Reprography Facility

    For library resources, Central Libraryprovides photocopy and scanning facility to the users.

Photocopy Facility

    Photocopying is a paid service offered by the library to the users. Reference materials, like periodicals, reference books, and bound volumes, etc. can be copied and used by the students/users.

Scanning Facility

    Scanning facility is available in the library and can be used to scan library documents in reference area like reference books, periodicals, bound volumes, etc. This is an unpaid service but is available on request.

E – Database

EBSCO (Management Research Database)
- Business Source Premier
- CINAHL PLUS database
- Dentistry & Oral Sciences Source Management, Economics, Accounting, Business research database with 2170 full text journals from 1985 List and 6334 Indexed and Abstracted journal database - List
J-Gate (Complete) Electronic gateway to global e-journal literature. Access to 25,229 Open Access Journals and link to 13,002,910 Open access articles offered by 12,118 publishers.
Knimbus(JNTUA Consortium) "Transform your Library for the Digital Future. A versatile single solution platform to access your library from anywhere, anytime."
DELNET Databases Access to Union Catalogues of Books, Periodicals, Databases etc., in member libraries for resource sharing (ILL)
National Digital Library Repository integrates contents from different Institutional repositories. 20 lac + educational materials available for free of cost to all academic community 


EBSCO Access to 1,90,000 + e-books covering the subject of Computer Science, Electrical & Electronics, Communication, Management, Basic - List