Department of Basic Sciences and Humanities is established with a view to brush up students in human skills like communication skills and improving English Language. This Department comprises English, Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry. The Faculty: under the dynamic and experienced HoD, this department has a Professor and an Associate Professor and nine more Assistant Professors with rich and varied experience. According to JNTU norms, the department has a sophisticated and modern English Language lab with the software of a reputed software company.

 The lab is well furnished and quite interactive in methodology. The objective is to inculcate the necessary communication skills so that these students excel in the competitive world. Apart from the special focus on the 1st years students, this department teaches language skills to 2nd, 3rd and final year students as a special effort. Enthusiasm abounds in the students and the faculty alike to organize periodical quizzes and competition, debates and elocutions, group discussions on topics of national and international importance.



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The Program Educational Objectives of the Computer Science & Engineering are:

PEO1: Graduates with basic and advanced knowledge in science, mathematics, computer science and allied engineering, capable of analyzing, design and development of solutions for real life problems.

PEO2: Graduates who serve the Industry, consulting, government organizations, or who pursue higher education or research.

PEO3: Graduates with qualities of professional leadership, communication skills, team work, ethical values and ifelong learning abilities.

The following are the program outcomes of Engineering Graduates:

PO1: Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.

PO2: Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.

PO3: Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.

PO4: Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.

PO5: Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.

PO6: The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.

PO7: Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.

PO8: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.

PO9: Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.

PO10: Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.

PO11: Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.

PO12: Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

The following are the Program Specific Outcomes of Engineering Graduate:

PSO1: Mobile Apps: Ability to design, develop and deploy mobile applications in Windows/ Google / Mac Apps Stores.

PSO2: Architecture of Computer System: Ability to visualize and articulate computer hardware and software systems for various complex applications.

PSO3: Problem Solving Skills: The ability to apply standard practices and strategies in software project development using open-ended environment to deliver a quality product for business success.

Prof. Harikrishna
HOD - BS&H Department

Board of Studies Members (BS&H)


A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning


S.No Name of the Faculty Designation Date of Joining Qualification Nature of Association Profiles
1 Prof. B HARIKRISHNA Professor 13/08/2003 M.Sc. Regular Profile
2 Dr M CHANDRAMOULI Professor 01/07/2021 M.A., Ph.D Regular Profile
3 Dr P MADHU MOHAN REDDY Associate Professor 02/07/2014 M.Sc., Ph.D Regular Profile
4 Dr D MUNIRAJASEKHAR Associate Professor 15/07/2017 M.Sc., Ph.D Regular Profile
5 Dr A MADHUSUDHANA RAO Associate Professor 01/07/2017 M.A., Ph.D Regular Profile
6 Dr M M GOPI Associate Professor 02/07/2014 M.A., Ph.D Regular Profile
7 Dr P JAYALAKSHMI Associate Professor 15/06/2019 M.Sc., Ph.D Regular Profile
8 Dr D PADMAJA Associate Professor 01/07/2010 M.A., Ph.D Regular Profile
9 Dr R LAKSHMI DEVI Associate Professor 25/06/2010 M.Sc., Ph.D Regular Profile
10 Dr K SREENIVASULU Associate Professor 08/07/2019 M.Sc., Ph.D Regular Profile
11 Dr C RAJA BABU Associate Professor 08/07/2019 M.Sc., Ph.D Regular Profile
12 Dr M OBULESU Associate Professor 08/07/2019 M.Sc., Ph.D Regular Profile
13 Dr A VIJAYALAKSHMI Associate Professor 01/07/2021 M.Sc., Ph.D Regular Profile
14 Dr B GEETHALAKSHMI Associate Professor 01/07/2021 M.Sc., Ph.D Regular Profile
15 Dr K MALLIKARJUNA Associate Professor 01/07/2021 M.Sc., Ph.D Regular Profile
16 Mr S SURESH Assistant Professor 01/06/2015 M.Phil., Regular Profile
17 Mr E KARTHEEK Assistant Professor 02/07/2014 M.Phil., Regular Profile
18 Ms M BAKKIYA LAKSHMI Assistant Professor 03/06/2013 M.Sc., Regular Profile
19 Ms P USHA Assistant Professor 29/06/2009 M.Phil., Regular Profile
20 Ms M RUKMANI Assistant Professor 01/07/2017 M.Phil., Regular Profile
21 Ms K SUBHASHINI Assistant Professor 10/08/2011 M.Sc., Regular Profile
22 Mr B GANESAN Assistant Professor 28/12/2013 MA Regular Profile
23 Ms M KEZIARANI Assistant Professor 24/04/2013 M.Sc Regular Profile
24 Mr K LOKESH Assistant Professor 03/06/2013 M.Sc Regular Profile
25 Mr N RAJAGOPAL REDDY Assistant Professor 01/10/2013 M.Sc Regular Profile
26 Mr A MAHESH Assistant Professor 08/06/2015 MA Regular Profile
27 Mr S THANESH Assistant Professor 02/07/2015 M.Sc. Regular Profile
28 Ms P SASIKALA Assistant Professor 01/06/2013 M.Sc. Regular Profile
29 Mr M PURUSHOTHAM Assistant Professor 04/06/2016 M.A Regular Profile
30 Ms V M GAYATHRI Assistant Professor 02/07/2014 M.A Regular Profile
31 Mr M PHILIP Assistant Professor 04/07/2017 M.Sc., Regular Profile
32 Mr E B THIRUNAVUKARASU Assistant Professor 04/07/2017 M.Sc., Regular Profile
33 Mr T J SHIVAKUMAR Assistant Professor 01/06/2018 M.Sc., Regular Profile
34 Ms L SRIVANI Assistant Professor 01/06/2018 M.Sc., Regular Profile
35 Mr D HASSAN Assistant Professor 15/06/2019 M.A., Regular Profile
36 Ms P HEMALATHA Assistant Professor 15/06/2019 M.Sc., Regular Profile
37 Ms D SAROJANAMMA Assistant Professor 28/07/2020 M.Sc., Regular Profile
38 Ms S HABIMUNNISA Assistant Professor 01/07/2020 M.Sc., Regular Profile
39 Mr Y SURESH Assistant Professor 01/07/2020 M.Sc., Regular Profile
40 Mr N VISHNU Assistant Professor 01/07/2020 M.Sc., Regular Profile
41 Ms K LEELAVATHI Assistant Professor 01/07/2020 M.Sc., Regular Profile
42 Mr T MURALI KRISHNA Assistant Professor 01/06/2018 M.Sc., Regular Profile
43 Mr M SIVA Assistant Professor 04/06/2012 M.Sc., Regular Profile
44 Mr N SAMBASIVA Assistant Professor 01/06/2019 M.Sc., Regular Profile
45 Mr D RAJARAJESWARA RAJU Assistant Professor 02/07/2014 M.A., Regular Profile
46 Ms M S DEVI Assistant Professor 02/06/2019 M.A., Regular Profile
47 Mr M BHARATH Assistant Professor 01/07/2021 M.Sc., Regular Profile
48 Mr T VENKATESULU Assistant Professor 01/07/2021 M.Sc., Regular Profile
49 Mr V D Madhusudhan Assistant Professor 01/07/2021 M.Sc., Regular Profile
50 Mr R MALYADRI Assistant Professor 01/07/2019 M.Sc., Regular Profile
51 Mr S BALAJI RAM TIWARI Assistant Professor 01/07/2021 M.Phil., Regular Profile
52 Mr K BABU Assistant Professor 03/10/2020 M.A., Regular Profile
53 Ms J GRUHAPRIYA Assistant Professor 01/07/2021 M.Sc., Regular Profile
54 Ms K GOWTHAMI Assistant Professor 21/07/2021 M.Sc., Regular Profile
55 Ms S PRATHYUSHA Assistant Professor 01/07/2021 M.Sc., Regular Profile
56 Mr S RAVI Assistant Professor 01/07/2021 M.Sc., Regular Profile
57 Mr K Bhaskar Assistant Professor 01/07/2021 M.A., Regular Profile
58 Ms S LALITHA Assistant Professor 01/07/2021 M.Sc., Regular Profile
59 Ms D Pooja Assistant Professor 01/07/2019 M.Sc., Regular Profile
60 Mr G RAJA Assistant Professor 01/07/2021 M.Sc., Regular Profile
61 Mr P KASTURI BABU Assistant Professor 01/07/2021 M.A., Regular Profile
62 Mr M GOPAL Assistant Professor 01/07/2021 M.Sc., Regular Profile
63 Ms S SAIDABHANU Assistant Professor 01/07/2021 M.A., Regular Profile
64 Ms B Roopa Assistant Professor 01/07/2021 M.Sc., Regular Profile
65 Mr B Balaji Reddy Assistant Professor 01/07/2021 M.Sc., Regular Profile
66 Ms L RAJESWARI Assistant Professor 01/07/2021 M.Sc., Regular Profile
67 Ms C SUKANYA Assistant Professor 01/07/2021 M.Sc., Regular Profile
68 Ms K VIMALA Assistant Professor 02/06/2019 M.Sc., Regular Profile
69 Mr KUNCHAM MARUTHISH Assistant Professor 17/08/2020 M.E., Regular Profile
70 Mr R NANDA NAIK Assistant Professor 01/04/2021 M.Tech., Regular Profile
71 Mr A HARI Assistant Professor 01/07/2020 M.Tech., Regular Profile
72 Mr R S SAIPRAVEENKUMAR Assistant Professor 21/08/2021 M.Tech., Regular Profile
73 Mr S PRAKASH Assistant Professor 06/07/2018 M.Tech., Regular Profile
74 Mr A STEEPHEN Assistant Professor 31/08/2021 M.Tech., Regular Profile
75 Mr V SUBRAMANYAM Assistant Professor 02/08/2021 M.Tech., Regular Profile
76 Mr K V GOPI Assistant Professor 07/09/2020 M.Tech., Regular Profile
77 Ms D R LAKSHMI Assistant Professor 07/09/2020 M.Tech., Regular Profile
78 Ms GALI SONIA Assistant Professor 07/05/2018 M.Tech., Regular Profile
79 Mr P KOTI Assistant Professor 03/07/2017 M.Tech., Regular Profile
80 Mr B KUMAR Assistant Professor 01/06/2017 M.Tech., Regular Profile
81 Mr M KIRAN Assistant Professor 01/06/2017 M.Tech., Regular Profile
82 Mr V BALAJI Assistant Professor 27/07/2020 M.Tech., Regular Profile
83 Ms R SUREKHA Assistant Professor 17/08/2021 M.Tech., Regular Profile
84 Mr J JERIN JOSH Assistant Professor 21/07/2021 M.Tech., Regular Profile
85 Ms R JYOTHSNA DEVI Assistant Professor 29/06/2009 M.A., Regular Profile
86 Ms C PRIYADARSHINI Assistant Professor 23/01/2012 M.A., Regular Profile
87 Mr B SAMPATH KUMAR Assistant Professor 27/08/2016 M.A., Regular Profile
88 Mr K SAICHANDU Assistant Professor 11/08/2016 M.A., Regular Profile



Semiconductor Physics Laboratory


Chemistry Laboratory


English Language Laboratory