

 The Department of Civil Engineering has a wide array of most modern laboratory equipment that can adequately cater to the varied demands of B.Tech, M.Tech students along with different consultancy and research requirements. The department has state of the art infrastructure facilities. It consists of class rooms with LCD projectors and a dedicated departmental library with a decent collection of books in addition to the College Central Library.

 The syllabus prescribed for both B.Tech & M.Tech courses is a fine blend of theoretical knowledge and practical applications. The syllabus is framed as per current developments in the field of Civil Engineering, with a clear focus on bridging the gap between classroom learning and industry demands. The department is strengthened with highly qualified and dedicated faculty members having rich teaching, research and industrial experience.

 The Department of Civil Engineering was established in the year 2008 with a modest intake of 60 students. The Department started M.Tech course in Structural Engineering in the year 2013 with an intake of 18 students. Subsequently in the year 2014, the B.Tech intake increased to 120 students. The Department is headed by Dr. G Prabhakaran who has more than 24 years of teaching and 8 years of industrial experience.

  •  To provide students with the fundamental technical knowledge and skills in mathematics, science and engineering to recognize and solve problems in the areas of structural design, geo-technical, Transportation, Water resources and environmental engineering.
  •  To provide students with the necessary skills and practical experience to fulfill their professional duties and responsibilities in teamwork, ethics, technical leadership, business acumen and lifelong learning.
  •  To make the students be in a position to practice professionally in various positions in industry or government and succeed in graduate or other professional schools.
  •  To mould the students to become future engineers, scientists, researchers, and innovators and make substantial contributions to the society of civil engineers.
  •  To prepare the students to be successful engineers or managers meeting the global industrial requirements.
  •  To make the students put constant efforts to improve the living quality of all walks of life by solving wide range of problems.



To produce globally competent Civil Engineering professionals with environmental consciousness andethical inclinationby implementing contemporary curriculum and pedagogical practices to serve the society.


M1 : Providing high-quality education with the state-of-the-art resources to produce industry-ready professionals.

M2 : Promoting civil engineering research to provide viable solutions for sustainable development.

M3 : Mentoring students to become technology leaders and entrepreneurs who value ethics and the environment.

The Program Educational Objectives of the department of Civil Engineering are:

PEO1: To acquire skill set and adaptability to work on latest technologies in the civil and allied engineering fields.

PEO2: To understandthe civil engineering problemsscientifically and render feasible solutions.

PEO3: To work on social issues with a clear ethical mindset and environmental awareness.

The following are the program outcomes of Engineering Graduates:

PO1: Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.

PO2: Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.

PO3: Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.

PO4: Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.

PO5: Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.

PO6: The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.

PO7: Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.

PO8: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.

PO9: Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.

PO10: Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.

PO11: Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.

PO12: Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

The following are the Program Specific Outcomes of Civil Engineering Graduate:

PSO1: Ability to work with advanced construction materials and technologies in implementing various infrastructure construction projects.

PSO2: Ability to address the challenges such as protected drinking water, safe sanitation, pollution free environment andeco-friendly construction practices.

PSO3: Ability to design and execute water resource and irrigation projects harnessing sustainable development.

Dr. G. Prabhakaran
HOD-Civil Department

  Dr.G.Prabhakaran obtained his B.E (Civil Engineering) from A.M.A College of Engineering, University of Madras, Chennai in 1997, and M.E (Environmental Engineering) from Sathyabama Deemed University, Chennai in 2005 and Ph.D from Anna University, Chennai in 2016. He has 24 years of experience in teaching and 10 years in research. He published 33 research papers in various National and International Journals and conferences. He has attended several workshops, National Seminars and FDP. He also published four patents. He organized several workshops, industrial visits, conferences and student symposiums. He has received an Innovative Research & Dedicated Educationist Award from Society of Innovative Educationist & Scientific Research Professional, Chennai. He is also a life member in Indian Society for Technical Education, International Association of Engineers, Internet Society, International Society for Research and Development and International Association of Academic plus Corporate Society (IAAC Society). He is also having fellow member in Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors & Society of Innovative Educationalist & Scientific Research Professional (SIESRP).


Board of Studies Members (Civil)

S.No Member Name Designation / Organization Role of Bos Category of Nomination
1 Dr. G. Prabhakaran Professor & HOD Chairman Head of the Department
2 Dr.K.Chandrasekhar Reddy Professor & Principal Member Faculty Members of each Specialization in the Department
4 Dr. P. Ramesh Professor Member
3 Prof. C. Siva Kumar Prasad Associate Professor Member
5 Mr.S.Venkataraman Assistant Professor Member
6 Prof.E.Aruna Kanthi Director, Industrial Consultancy Services, JNT University, Ananthapuram Member Subject Expert Nominated by VC
7 Dr.M.Chandrasekhar Professor, Department of Civil, NIT, Warangal Member Subject Experts Nominated by the AC
8 Dr.Ch.Sudha Rani Professor, Department of Civil, SV University, Tirupati Member
9 Mr.A.Nagesh Deputy Executive Engineer, Water Resources Department, Velugodu, Nandyal Dt Member Representative from Industry
10 Mr.Y.Likesh Reddy Village Surveyor, Madanapalle Member Alumni (PG) Nominated by the Principal


A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning


List of B.Tech Faculty in the Academic Year 2024-25

S.No Name of the Faculty Designation Date of Joining Qualification Nature of Association Profiles
1 Dr. Prabhakaran G Professor & HoD 30-06-2017 Ph.D Regular Profile
2 Dr. K Chandrasekhar Reddy Professor & Principal 01-07-2011 Ph.D Regular Profile
3 Dr. P RAMESH Professor 06-06-2019 Ph.D Regular Profile
4 Dr. Srinivasa Murthy Duddela Associate Professor 04-07-2022 Ph.D Regular Profile
5 Dr. Yellapragada Meenakshi Associate Professor 01-07-2024 Ph.D Regular Profile
6 C Siva Kumar Prasad Assistant Professor 23-06-2016 M.Tech. Regular Profile
7 Vinodh Kumar Balaji Assistant Professor 10-06-2016 M.Tech. Regular Profile
8 Elakkiyarajan N Assistant Professor 18-06-2019 M.Tech. Regular Profile
9 Venkataraman S Assistant Professor 18-06-2019 M.Tech. Regular Profile
10 G Chandra Reddy Assistant Professor 01-06-2019 M.Tech. Regular Profile
11 S Harikrishna Assistant Professor 10-06-2019 M.Tech. Regular Profile
12 Kothakota Asha Latha Assistant Professor 10-06-2019 M.Tech. Regular Profile
13 Guddeti Yamini Assistant Professor 10-06-2019 M.Tech. Regular Profile
14 A Jyoshna Assistant Professor 06-06-2019 M.Tech. Regular Profile
15 A Brahmini Assistant Professor 10-06-2019 M.Tech. Regular Profile
16 Challa Sailaja Assistant Professor 01-10-2018 M.Tech. Regular Profile
17 Singaraju Pranavi Assistant Professor 06-06-2019 M.Tech. Regular Profile
18 Gerike Hemadri Assistant Professor 05-08-2019 M.Tech. Regular Profile
19 J Gayathri Assistant Professor 08-06-2020 M.Tech. Regular Profile
20 K V Maruthish Assistant Professor 17-08-2020 M.Tech. Regular Profile
21 Ramavath Nanda Naik Assistant Professor 01-04-2021 M.Tech. Regular Profile
22 G Venkatesh Assistant Professor 05-07-2021 M.Tech. Regular Profile
23 Madduru Vani Assistant Professor 13-09-2021 M.Tech. Regular Profile
24 Vakkakula Indraja Assistant Professor 01-08-2022 M.Tech. Regular Profile
25 Gonigunta Yamini Assistant Professor 01-08-2022 M.Tech. Regular Profile




A.P. Prathibha Award in 2018 (Ms. T. Radhika)

A.P. Prathibha Award in 2018 (Mr. M. Murali)

A.P. Prathibha Award in 2018 (Mr. P. Ashok)

University Gold Medal in 2012 (Mr. T. Naga Sai)

University Gold Medal in 2014 (Mr. S. Sasidhar)