

 The department of MECHANICAL ENGINEERING is one of the vibrant departments of SIETK, which offers B.Tech Mechanical Engineering and M.Tech Program in CAD&M and Thermal Engineering. The department was established in 2001 with 60 student Intake and now running with 120 Intake. The PG courses CAD&M and Thermal Engineering has started in the year 2010 and 2012 respectively. The department is headed by Dr.S.SUNIL KUMAR REDDY who has more than 23 years of teaching experience.The Department is rich in term of faculty members who has vast teaching, Industrial and Research experience with an average teaching experience of 6 years. The Department has 6members with Ph.D and 8 pursuing their research in various prestigious Universities.

Research Center has been sanctioned by Jawaharlal Technological University, Anantapur. The faculty published more than 200 papers in National and International Conferences/Journals. The major areas of research include Alternate Fuels, IC Engine combustion, Composite materials, Solar Energy etc.,  

The Department has established Industry Academia Partnership with various manufacturing Industries in which the students will get trained on latest technology. Further the department in collaboration with Andhra Pradesh State Skill Development Corporation (APSSDC) established various labs i.e Design CBT lab, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Lab, Automobile 2 wheeler and 4 wheeler labs. Dassault 3D experience lab is an asset for the department. In all these labs the students will be provided hands on experience to make them Industry ready candidate for various design and manufacturing companies.These infra facilities will cater the needs of UG and PG students.  

The department is also having an agreement with IIT Tirupati, with which the UG, PG students and faculty can obtain mentorship from them for their research projects. It consists of separate department library with an around 1000 books and the students will utilize this along with college central library.  

The Department has conventional and research laboratories. The major drafting, modeling software in the department are AUTOCAD, CATIA, DELMIA, SILMIA, SOLID EDGE, NXCAD etc.  

Every one of our department facultyis undergoing Faculty Development Program (FDP) on different topics organized by various prestigious Institutions. The faculty inculcates discipline and responsibility among the students along with regular teaching. The department prepared advanced curriculum to students with the help of Industrial people.  



To produce competent, ethical mechanical engineering professionals capable of working worldwide and transforming society for a better life with their research-based technology and entrepreneurial skills.


The primary mission of the Department of Mechanical Engineering is to impart high class education to the students by its three tenets to serve the society:

M1 : Providing extensive knowledge on Mechanical Engineering and allied subjects with ethical values by well-experienced faculty.

M2 : Developing entrepreneurial and research-oriented skills to produce novel products of economic viability.

M3 : Creating opportunities for industrial training to understand industry related issues and advanced technologies in the workplace.

The Program Educational Objectives of the Mechanical Engineering are:

PEO1: Graduates with their profound knowledge of science and engineering fundamentals, are capable of identifying and providing innovative solutions to complex mechanical engineering designs and real-time problems, with a strong emphasis on environmental sustainability.

PEO2: Graduates become successful professionals or entrepreneurs with ethical values, good communication skills, and ability to work in a team.

PEO3: Graduates have the potential to pursue higher education and research with a commitment to lifelong learning, and work in industries adapting to evolving professional challenges.

The following are the program outcomes of Engineering Graduates:

PO1: Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.

PO2: Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.

PO3: Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.

PO4: Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.

PO5: Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.

PO6: The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.

PO7: Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.

PO8: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.

PO9: Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.

PO10: Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.

PO11: Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.

PO12: Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

The following are the Program Specific Outcomes of Engineering Graduate:

PSO1:  Able to apply mathematical and advanced CAD tools required for design analysis and manufacturing products.

PSO2:  Getting employment in various industries and solving complex problems with systematic approach.

PSO3:  Apply innovative skills to lead as an entrepreneur or automobile researcher.

Dr.S.Sunil Kumar Reddy
Professor and HOD - Mechanical Department

Dr. S.Sunil Kumar Reddy obtained his B.Tech degree from Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, M.Tech and P.hD both from JNTUA, Ananthapuramu. He has a teaching experience of 24 years and worked in various prestigious Institutions in A.P. He conducted many number of national and International symposiums. He is acting as Single Point of Contact (SPOC) for the labs established by Siemens and Dassault companies along with APSSDC. He is trained in Applied Robotic control lab under the initiative of Indo-European Skilling cluster for Mechatronics and Manufacturing at Achen, Germany

He published nearly 65 research articles in National and International Journals and Conferences. His area of expertise is in Thermal Engineering, Combustion and Alternate Fuels. In his service he has guided more than 40 UG projects and 20 PG projects. He is a recognized research guide for JNTUA and Veltech Rangarajan Dr.Saguntala R&D Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai. Under him three Ph.D research scholars are working on Alternate fuels and Diesel engine Combustion. He is a Life Member of various professional societies like ISOC, NDT, SAE and Institution of Engineers.


Board of Studies Members (MECH)

S.No Member Name Designation / Organization Role of Bos Category of Nomination
1 Dr.S.Sunil Kumar Reddy HOD Chairman Head of the Department
2 Dr. C. Sreedhar Professor Member Faculty Members of each Specialization in the Department
3 Dr. F. Anand Raju Professor Member
4 Dr. S. Suresh Professor Member
5 Dr. P.Ramesh Associate Professor Member
6 Dr.G.Jaya Chandra Reddy Professor & Head YSR Engg College, Yogi Vemana University Prodattur, YSR Kadapa Member Subject Experts Nominated by the AC
7 Dr.Anil Kumar Emadabathuni Professor Department of ME, IIT Tirupati, Tirupati Member
8 Dr.B.Durga Prasad Vice Principal & Professor Department of ME, JNTUA College of Engg, Anantapuramu Member Subject Expert Nominated by VC
9 Mr.B.Madhu Prathap Director, SIBAR Auto Parts,Industrial Est ate, Renigunta, Chittoor Dist. Member Representative from Industry
10 Mr.R.Bhaskar Reddy Asst.Professor, SPMVV, Tirupathi, Chittoor Dist. Member Alumni (PG) Nominated by the Principal


A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning


S.No Name of the Faculty Designation Date of Joining Qualification Nature of Association Profiles
1 Dr S SUNIL KUMAR REDDY Professor 02/07/2014 M.Tech., Ph.D Regular Profile
2 Dr C SREEDHAR Professor 02/06/2015 M.Tech., Ph.D Regular Profile
3 Dr F ANAND RAJU Professor 01/05/2008 M.Tech., Ph.D Regular Profile
4 Dr GANESH BKC Professor 01/07/2019 M.Tech., Ph.D Regular Profile
5 Dr BATTEPATI SIDDESWARA RAO Professor 03/06/2019 M.Tech., Ph.D Regular Profile
6 Dr D SUBRAMANYAM Professor 25/12/2012 M.Tech., Ph.D Regular Profile
7 Dr SELVAM M Professor 01/072019 M.E., Ph.D Regular Profile
8 Dr SONAGIRI SURESH Professor 04/072019 M.Tech., Ph.D Regular Profile
9 Dr.V.VENUGOPAL Professor 16/05/2012 M.Tech., Ph.D Regular Profile
10 Dr B VINOD Associate Professor 01/07/2019 M.Tech., Ph.D Regular Profile
11 Dr PALAMANGALAM RAMESH Associate Professor 07/01/2013 M.Tech., Ph.D Regular Profile
12 Mr D KRISHNAIAH Associate Professor 07/11/2012 M.Tech., (Ph.D) Regular Profile
13 Mr V KARTHIKEYAN Associate Professor 01/07/2017 M.E., (Ph.D) Regular Profile
14 Mr SREENIVASULU BEZAWADA Associate Professor 14/06/2016 M.E., (Ph.D) Regular Profile
15 Mr K SAI SUJITH Associate Professor 03/06/2019 M.Tech., (Ph.D) Regular Profile
16 Mr K SUDHAKAR Associate Professor 01/06/2015 M.E., Regular Profile
17 Mr AKULA SURESH Associate Professor 22/08/2011 M.Tech., Regular Profile
18 Mr BOYA SREENIVASULU Associate Professor 24/07/2013 M.Tech., Regular Profile
19 Mr PR GIRI PRASATH Associate Professor 01/06/2015 M.E., Regular Profile
20 Mr SAI PRASAD KANCHI Associate Professor 12/08/2019 M.Tech., Regular Profile
21 Mr PALLETI VENKATRAMANA Associate Professor 01/07/2019 M.Tech.,(Ph.D) Regular Profile
22 Mr L SHANKAR Assistant Professor 27/07/2016 M.E., Regular Profile
23 Ms A ASHA Assistant Professor 08/06/2012 M.Tech., Regular Profile
24 Mr MOHAN RAO MANIKANTI Assistant Professor 16/06/2016 M.Tech., Regular Profile
25 Mr T LOGANATHAN Assistant Professor 01/07/2019 M.E., Regular Profile
26 Mr J SURESH Assistant Professor 27/10/2016 M.Tech.,(Ph.D) Regular Profile
27 Mr PARLA JAYA PRAKASH Assistant Professor 02/11/2016 M.Tech.,(Ph.D) Regular Profile
28 Mr J MANI Assistant Professor 01/07/2017 M.E.,(Ph.D) Regular Profile
29 Mr TB HARIBABU Assistant Professor 09/07/2018 M.Tech.,(Ph.D) Regular Profile
30 Mr T DEVARAJULU REDDY Assistant Professor 10/07/2019 M.Tech., Regular Profile
31 Mr R CHITTIBABU Assistant Professor 17/07/2018 M.Tech., Regular Profile
32 Mr YELLAMPATI VISHNUVARDHAN Assistant Professor 01/07/2019 M.Tech., Regular Profile
33 Mr T KARTHIK Assistant Professor 08/07/2019 M.Tech., Regular Profile
34 Mr VINOD PERAM Assistant Professor 01/08/2018 M.Tech., Regular Profile
35 Mr P VENKATESH Assistant Professor 28/08/2020 M.Tech., Regular Profile
36 Mr D N MANI Assistant Professor 05/07/2021 M.E., Regular Profile
37 Mr S RAMAKRISHNAN Assistant Professor 05/07/2021 M.E., Regular Profile
38 Mr VADIYARA SRIKANTH Assistant Professor 02/08/2021 M.Tech., Regular Profile
40 Mr P SHAIK MOHAMMED SHAROOK Assistant Professor 09/08/2021 M.Tech., Regular Profile
41 Mr V SUDHARSHAN Assistant Professor 09/05/2022 M.Tech., Regular Profile
42 Mr M VINOTH Assistant Professor 09/05/2022 M.E., Regular Profile
43 Mr E RAJESH Assistant Professor 09/05/2022 M.E., Regular Profile
44 Mr M SRINIVASULU Assistant Professor 18/05/2022 M.Tech., Regular Profile
45 Mr T POOVENTHAN Assistant Professor 18/05/2022 M.E., Regular Profile
46 Mr GM NANDHA KUMAR Assistant Professor 18/05/2022 M.E., Regular Profile
47 Mr VINAYAKAM K Assistant Professor 18/05/2022 M.E., Regular Profile
48 Mr ARANGARAJAN M Assistant Professor 23/05/2022 M.E., Regular Profile
49 Mr DHATCHANAMOORTHY C Assistant Professor 23/05/2022 M.E., Regular Profile
50 Mr SATHISH P Assistant Professor 23/05/2022 M.E., Regular Profile
51 Mr V DINESH KUMAR Assistant Professor 30/05/2022 M.E., Regular Profile
52 Mr U PICHANDI Assistant Professor 30/05/2022 M.E., Regular Profile
53 Mr AS PAVITHRA Assistant Professor 01/09/2017 M.Tech., Regular Profile
54 Mr N DHARAVI HARI PRIYA Assistant Professor 14/08/2019 M.Tech., Regular Profile
55 Mr M VISWANATH Assistant Professor 07/06/2016 M.Tech., Regular Profile



Engineering Workshop Lab:

In this Engineering Workshop the students will be provide theoretical and practical knowledge of manufacturing environment. This will introduce a new idea, inspire students to further explore it on their own, or may illustrate and promote actual process practice.


Material Science Lab:

The objective of a Materials science lab is to predict and control material properties through an understanding of atomic, molecular, crystalline, and microscopic structures of engineering materials. In this lab the students will prepare the sample workpiece and test them in microscopes for structures.


Computer Aided Design Lab:

In this lab the students will develop and analyze the designs of various mechanical components using 2D and 3D Software. The major software used in the lab is AUTOCAD/CATIA/DELMIA/SIMULIA. The basic knowledge of this can be used for successful accomplishment of project works.


Manufacturing Technology Lab:

Manufacturing Technology Laboratory is a well-equipped laboratory which provides ideas on the practical knowledge of several manufacturing processes used in the Industry. The major processes are casting, pattern usage, mould creation and welding.


Thermal Engineering Lab:

In this laboratory, students will have the opportunity to study the working principle of IC engines (both SI and CI engines), performance and characteristics, economical speed variations, air fuel ratio influence on the engine. Here the student perform required tests, analyze subsequent data, and present the results in a professionally prepared report.


Heat Transfer Lab:

Heat Transfer laboratory provides fundamental and industrial knowledge about modes of heat transfer, like conduction, convection and radiation, and their application. In this the students will perform experiments on heat exchangers, boiling and condensation, Emissivity apparatus and Pin Fin Apparatus.


Machine Tools Lab:

This laboratory provides an introduction to the Know-how of common processes used in industries for manufacturing parts by removal of material in a controlled manner. The emphasis throughout the laboratory course will be on understanding the basic features of the processes and acquiring skill in the operation of machines.


Metrology & Measurements Lab:

The objectives of this lab is to: Learn the main principle on which different instruments operate and provide hands on experience on them. Generate knowledge and skill in use of precision instruments. Learn a basic understanding of various instruments used in linear and angular measurements.


Department Infrastructure

Class Room Dimensions

S.No Course Particulars Number of Rooms Name of Room L x B of the Per Class room in Meter Per Class room in Meter Square Total Carpet area of Room (sq.m)
1 B.Tech Class Rooms 9 D-101,D-102,          D-104,D-201,D-202,D-203,D-204,  D-304.D-305 8 * 9.10 72.8 580.83
2 B.Tech Drawing Hall 4 D-301,D-402,D-404, D-405 12.60 * 12.07 152.082 456.246
3 B.Tech Tutorial rooms 2 D-306,D-307 5.93 * 9.10 53.963 107.926
4 B.Tech Manufacturing Technology Lab 1 W-101 8.54 * 8.54 72.94 72.94
5 B.Tech Material Sciences and Metallurgy Lab 1 W-102 8.54 * 8.54 72.94 72.94
6 B.Tech Thermal Engineering- Lab 1 W-103 10.37 * 7.625 79.01 79.01
7 B.Tech Heat Transfer Lab 1 W-104 11.9 * 6.405 76.1 76.1
8 B.Tech Instrumentation and control System and Metrology and Measurements

1 W-105 11.9 * 6.405 76.1 76.1
9 B.Tech Machine Tools Lab 1 W-108 12.505 * 9.15 114.375 114.375
10 B.Tech Engineering Workshops 1 W-109 23.77 * 8.54 202.9 202.9
11 B.Tech CAD/CAE Lab 1 D-103 7.8 * 9.10 70.98 70.98
12 M.Tech Thermal Engineering Class Rooms 2 D-302,D-303 8 * 9.10 72.8 145.6
13 M.Tech Thermal Engineering- Lab 1 W-103 10.37 * 7.625 79.01 79.01
14 M.Tech Thermal system design Lab 1 D-103 7.8 * 9.10 70.98 70.98
15 M.Tech Advanced CAD Lab 1 D-103 7.8 * 9.10 70.98 70.98
      Grand Total


Seminar Hall




  This lab is established with the collaboration of APSSDC and SIEMENS company. In this lab the students will learn the 2 wheeler construction and repairing mechanisms. With this the students can able to repair their personal vehicles as and when needed.


  The main objective of 4 wheeler lab is to provide skill training in repairing mechanisms. With this the students can able to repair vehicles as and when needed and sustain in their life. This lab is established with the collaboration of APSSDC and SIEMENS company.


  This lab is established with the collaboration of APSSDC and SIEMENS company. Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Lab gives idea on hands on experience with refrigerating circuits and develop air-conditioning systems. In this lab the students can able to identify and work with various kinds of refrigeration & Air-conditioning systems


  In this lab the students will develop and analyze the designs of various mechanical components using 2D and 3D Software. The major software used in the lab is SOLID EDGE. The basic knowledge of this can be used for successful accomplishment of project works. This lab is established with the collaboration of APSSDC and SIEMENS company.


  This lab is established with the coloration of APSSDC and Dassault Systemes company. The main aim of the lab is to develop and analyze the designs of various mechanical components using 2D and 3D Software. The major software used in the lab is AUTOCAD/CATIA/DELMIA/SIMULIA. This enable the students to accomplishment of project works.


  This lab is established with the coloration of APSSDC. The main aim of the lab is to provide 2D and 3D software training to students on various platforms/software like AUTOCAD, ROBCAD, SOLID WORKS, PRO-E etc., to develop and analyze the designs of various mechanical components.

Department Libruary


Best Practices


Student mentoring system

Envision and Execution by Association Activities

Remedial classes for low performed students

Conducting guest lectures/seminars and workshops on cutting edge technologies

Concept teaching with instructional models

Creating awareness for higher studies, EDC, Placements etc.,

Special training to students once the campus drive is planned

Rewarding the student toppers

Skill oriented training will be provided to students

Regular Internships and Industrial visits


Motivating the staff to apply for funding projects

Encouraging the staff for paper publications

Encouraging the staff to participate in conferences, FDP and workshops

Encouraging the staff for higher studies

Industry Integration

The department of mechanical engineering is integrated with various industries for the academic curriculum preparation, Internships and Industrial visits. Some of the companies installed industrial labs in the campus for the purpose of providing training to students on cutting edge technologies and make them industry ready or self-sustain in the life.

S.No. Name of the Lab Name of the company Purpose
1 Automobile 4 Wheeler Lab APSSDC-SIEMENS For Training students on four wheeler repair and maintenance
2 Automobile 2 Wheeler Lab APSSDC-SIEMENS For Training students on two wheeler repair and maintenance
3 Refrigeration & Air conditioning Lab APSSDC-SIEMENS For Training students on Refrigeration & Air conditioning systems repair and maintenance
4 Design CBT Lab APSSDC-SIEMENS For providing training on latest 2D drafting and 3D modeling software like SOLID EDGE.
5 Dassault 3D Experience center APSSDC-DASSAULT For providing training on latest 3D modeling, Analysis and Simulation software like CATIA, DELMIA and SIMULIA.
6 CM Skill Center APSSDC For providing training on cutting edge technologies like AUTOCAD, ROBCAD etc.,
7   SIBAR AUTO PARTS Internship, Projects and Industrial Visits
SRIKALAHASTI PIPES Internship, Projects and Industrial Visits
NELCAST Internship, Projects and Industrial Visits
COCO-COLA Internship, Projects and Industrial Visits
INDO-US MIM Internship, Projects and Industrial Visits