Every organization must evolve a system for redressal of public grievances arising from its work. Grievance redressal mechanism is formed as an integral part of the machinery of the organization. No organization can claim to be accountable, responsible and user-friendly unless it has established an efficient and effective grievance redressal system. In fact, it is acting as gauge to measure its efficiency and effectiveness as it provides important feedback on the working of the organization. It helps the organization to deliver quality services to the public and other stakeholders in a hassle free manner and in eliminating the cause of grievances.

  •  Online Grievance

    There are Four categories of Grievances

        General - includes Non-refund fees, Delay in according approvals, non return of original certificates, charging of captivating fees, Non-refunded security amount and others.

        Student includes Delay in issue of Certificates/Originals/ Reimbursement Details etc.

        Staff Relieving and promotion, non-observation of laid down norms and standards, Complaints against officers and staff.

        Women The College had constituted "Women's grievance cell to offer suggestions to the management in all matters connected with the women's welfare such as transport, eve-teasing, canteen facilities, ragging and all other problems of women (staff and students) of the college. The members of the committee will meet as and when the need arises and forwards their recommendations to the Principal for further action.

        For effective and efficient redressal, it shall be incumbent upon the officers dealing with public grievances to observe grievances. Redressal mechanism is achieved by placing the complaint and suggestion box in the main office block. Written information regarding the grievance are filed in the Grievance and Redressal cell. A meeting will be held on every Thursday to check the mechanism.

        It ensures whether the grievances are diarized through computer and acknowledged promptly through a unique file identification number for future reference.

        It monitors the progress of disposal of the grievances.

        Staff Relieving and promotion, non-observation of laid down norms and standards, Complaints against officers and staff.

        Time is fixed for meeting the members of staff and the offenders to solve their problems.

        Grievance & Redress Cell is available in the institute for which faculty members are Administrators/Decision makers for this mechanism. Grievance Redress & Student Support Services.

        The following committees are constituted to help the students in solving their problems and also for providing guidance. Students are advised to contact the concerned members, with a written representation for receiving help. Students must note that all their problems cannot be solved over phone and written representations are required for verification of the records.

        Admissions Committee for Admission matters: Mrs. C. Nishidha Devi, Admission Coordinator - Overall In-charge

        Other Members: Mrs. M. Padmaja UG & PG Academic Counselor - Member Mrs. R. Geetha Fees and other matters - Member

        Committee deals with the following:

        Counseling the students regarding eligibility.

        Change of Course / Group / II Language / Optional papers.

        Rectification of errors in admission.

        Identification Cards

        Name Correction

        Change of Address

        Lateral Entry

        Genuineness of the Certificates

        Fee related problems