Department of Computer Science Engineering
Lecturers Farewell in CSE Department
Mr. K. Arshad Receiving Gift from HOD of CSE Department
Mr. M. Jashwanth Receiving Gift from Principal of SIETK
Mr. Adarsh Dubey Receiving Gift from Principal of SIETK
Mr. D. Vamsee Receiving Gift from Principal of SIETK
Mr. T. Charan Sai Receiving Gift from Principal of SISTK
Lecturers Farewell in CSE Department
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Department of Computer Science Engineering
Lecturers Farewell in CSE Department
Mr. K. Arshad Receiving Gift from HOD of CSE Department
Mr. M. Jashwanth Receiving Gift from Principal of SIETK
Mr. Adarsh Dubey Receiving Gift from Principal of SIETK
Mr. D. Vamsee Receiving Gift from Principal of SIETK
Mr. T. Charan Sai Receiving Gift from Principal of SISTK
Lecturers Farewell in CSE Department


 The Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) was established in the year 2001 with a vision to provide a place for Innovation, Scientific Discovery and New Technology, to evolve as a Centre of Excellence in Research and Learning, Integrating Computer and Information Sciences with Natural Sciences and Basic Engineering.

  The Department was started with UG programme B.Tech (Computer Science & Engineering) with an Initial intake of 60 . By the explorative growth of Computer Science and by Globalization of Economies, the rise in demand for computing professionals in all disciplines was imperative. So the department increased the intake and developed new courses with industry-relevant curriculum to cater the imminent need.

 Courses offered by the department are

B.Tech - Computer Science and Engineering 240 2001
B.Tech - CSE (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning ) 180 2020
B.Tech - CSE (Artificial Intelligence and Data Science) 180 2021
B.Tech- CSE with Specialization in Cloud Computing 120 2021
B.Tech- CSE (Internet of Things and Cyber security with Blockchain Technology) 60 2020
B.Tech- CSE (Artificial Intelligence) 60 2022
M.Tech (Computer Science and Engineering) 18 2009
DIPLOMA (Computer Science and Engineering - DCME) 60 2023

  The Department is constantly updating the curriculum of the students every academic year, new courses are framed in consultation with experts in industry and academia and imbibed into the curriculum to prepare the students as industry-ready professionals

 The Department is committed towards upgrading the faculty and students for current and emerging trends in technology. Events such as Workshops, Seminars, Faculty Development Programmes and Conferences are conducted by the Department every academic year to pace up with the updating Technologies.

 The Department is collaborated with IIT Tirupati for mentorship programme, and faculty are working together in Framing curriculum, Research projects, and other outreach programmes.

 The Department is having excellent infrastructure with all class rooms enabled with ICT facilities ,State of art Laboratories, Seminar hall with 500 seating capacity etc. The Department has signed MoU’s with various industry to bridge the gap between academia and industry and has established Centers for excellence. The state of the art Laboratories help the students in learning and completing the advanced certification courses.

  The Department is accredited by the National Board of Accreditation(NBA), New Delhi in 2013, re-accredited in 2016 and 2019 for three years.

 The Alumni of the department are placed in top positions in both academia and industry and constantly pay a visit to the department for motivating the students in the skills required.