The Institution encourages its teachers to take R&D and Consultancy projects within Institution, with other institutions or Industries, appropriate to the teachers' competence.

Sponsored Research & Development Projects

    The faculty members holding Ph.D. will submit research projects based on their specialization/expertise to the national/international sponsoring agency for financial support.

    The faculty members involved in PG/Masters level teaching will plan research oriented topics for the students and submit thematic proposal to appropriate sponsoring agency for financial support. Institute may also consider extending support to these projects as initiation grant depending upon their merits related to objective and requirements.

    Institute will create and maintain basic laboratory/infrastructural facilities for smooth running of the project.

    Outcome of the research projects must be considered for generation of Intellectual Property (IP) of the institute.

    Scientific content of new understanding of the research projects shall be published in referred/indexed journals.

    The Project coordinator shall utilize the project funds received as per the terms and conditions agreed upon with the funding agencies.

In-house Research & Development Projects

    The Institution encourages its faculties to undertake department-wise R&D Activities along with Students and other Staff Members, especially in the line of the section 13.1(b).

    Each Department is given a minimum sanction of Rs. 25,000/- in a year, to promote in-house R&D activities.

    Faculty members can submit their proposals through the Head of the Department and can avail an essential financial support for project to develop prototype model.