

 The department of ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING (EEE) has been playing a pioneering role in producing scientists and technologists of good caliber. EEE department is to create talented and socially responsible engineers to make a better India and, in turn, a better world.

 Electrical Engineers design systems that generate, transmit and distribute electricity. Electronics engineers design electronic devices which perform computation, communication, or control of robots and machines. Electrical and Electronics engineers work with technologies ranging from large power lines and generators to tiny integrated circuits containing billions of transistors.

 The department has well-equipped laboratory facilities for the students such as Electrical Machine Lab, Basic Electrical and Network lab, Control & Instrumentation Lab, Power Electronics & Drives Lab with sophisticated equipment like dSPACE and Power Quality Analyser are available with the department. The infrastructure and lab facilities are upgraded from time to time and provide adequate opportunities for students to learn and innovate.

 Electrical and Electronics engineers are highly employable and can find work in many areas. An Electrical and Electronics engineer designs, develops and maintains the electrical, electronics and computer control system to the required specifications, and focusing on economy, reliability, safety, sustainability and quality. Telecom industries, transportation network, IT industries, airplane & airspace manufacturing industries, production and the distribution of power are some of the specific fields of career development. An Electrical and Electronics engineer can work with the industries deals in product development, control system, system management, product design, sales, consumer’s electronics, transportation, wireless communication, manufacturing, chemical, automotive, defense and space research organizations.

 Interested candidates can also build their career in teaching and research. They can join prestigious institutions for earning Master of Technology (M.Tech) degree and Ph.D degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering.

 Founded in 2002, the Department of EEE has made rapid strides with the intake of 60, enhanced to 120 after four years. Till now 16 batches of students have graduated. The Department is headed by Dr. N.Ramesh Raju who has 21 years teaching experience & 4 Years Industrial Experience. The Department has competent, committed and well-qualified motivated faculty of 42 members possessing Ph.D and M.Tech. in various specializations.



To produce competent Electrical & Electronics Engineering professionals through quality technical education and research and taking responsible positions to develop a value-based society.


The primary mission of the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering is to impart high class education to the students by its three tenets to serve the society:

M1 : Providing strong technical knowledge to formulate, solve, and analyze Electrical and Electronics Engineering problems.

M2 : Collaborating with industry, research organizations, and academia to pursue research for the betterment of society.

M3 : Preparing graduates with a positive attitude and ethical values for socio-economic growth and encouraging entrepreneurial ideas. 

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) are established by giving due consideration to the observations and expectations of the primary stakeholders. PEOs are broad statements that describe the career and professional accomplishments that the graduates should achieve within three to five years after the year of graduation.

PEO1: To apply the fundamentals of science, engineering, and mathematics to solve Electrical Engineering and allied problems.

PEO2:  To solve industry problems with the help of software, testing, and design.

PEO3: To involve in research, higher studies, and to become successful entrepreneurs.
PSO1: Analysis of Power Quality: Ability to acquire and analyze live power quality data using power quality analyzer.

PSO2: Electrical Hardware Design: Ability to develop power electronic controllers and devices using advanced hardware tools.

PSO3: Software Simulation: Ability to design, simulate, and analyze the electrical machines and power systems through high-performance tools

N. Ramesh Raju
Professor & HOD - EEE Department

Dr. N. Ramesh Raju did Ph.D. in Control Systems from K.L. University, M.Tech. in Instrumentation from IIT Kharagpur and B.Tech in Electronics and Instrumentation from KITS Warangal. He has 21 years of teaching experience and 4 years of industrial experience in Tata Electric Company, Bombay and Sterelite Industries India Ltd. ( Copper Smelter ) Tuticorin.

His research interests are Optimal Self Tuning of PID and Fractional Order PID Controllers, Applications of Soft Computing Techniques to Control Systems.


Board of Studies Members (EEE)

S.No Member Name Designation / Organization Role of Bos Category of Nomination
1 Dr.N.Ramesh Raju HOD Chairman Head of the Department
2 Prof.P.Chandra Sekhar Professor Member Faculty Members of each Specialization in the Department
3 Mr.S.Muni Sekhar Associate Professor Member
4 Dr.J.Gowrishankar Professor Member
5 Dr.R.Lakshmi Associate Professor Member
6 Dr.P.Lakshmi Professor Department of EEE Anna University, Chennai Member Subject Experts Nominated by the AC
7 Dr.Vignesh V Assistant Professor, Department of EEE IIT, Tirupati Member
8 Prof.R.Kiranmayee Director Foreign affairs and Alumni matters JNTUA, Anantapuramu Member Subject Expert Nominated by VC
9 Mr.S.V.Mahesh Babu Assistant Divisional Engineer, AP Transco, Chittoor Member Representative from Industry
10 Miss K Yamini Assistant Engineer, AP Transco, Chittoor Member Alumni (PG) Nominated by the Principal


A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning


S.No Name of the Faculty Designation Date of Joining Qualification Nature of Association Profiles
1 Dr. N RAMESH RAJU Professor 08/06/2006 M.Tech., Ph.D Regular Profile
2 Dr. J GOWRISHANKAR Professor 14/06/2019 M.Tech., Ph.D Regular Profile
3 Dr. V.R.RAJAN Professor 14/06/2019 M.E., Ph.D Regular Profile
4 Dr. C.RAJSELVAN Professor 01/06/2019 M.Tech., Ph.D Regular Profile
5 Dr. K.JEYAKUMAR Professor 17/06/2019 M.Tech., Ph.D Regular Profile
6 Dr. R. LAKSHMI Associate Professor 02/06/2018 M.Tech., Ph.D Regular Profile
7 Dr. RAHUL BHATTACHARJEE Assistant Professor 20/03/2021 M.Tech., Ph.D Regular Profile
8 Prof. P. CHANDRASEKHAR Professor 27/11/2003 M.Tech., Regular Profile
9 Mr. S. MUNISEKHAR Associate Professor 01/06/2015 M.Tech., Regular Profile
10 Mr. P. MUNISEKHAR Associate Professor 07/10/2017 M.Tech., Regular Profile
11 Mr. S.NARASIMHA RAO Associate Professor 01/05/2022 M.Tech., Regular Profile
12 Mr. V. SIVASUBRAMANYAM Assistant Professor 03/06/2011 M.Tech., Regular Profile
13 Ms. V. MAMATHA Assistant Professor 27/06/2018 M.Tech., Regular Profile
14 Ms. V. MANASA REDDY Assistant Professor 22/08/2018 M.Tech., Regular Profile
15 Ms. V.N. SARASWATHI Assistant Professor 08/06/2018 M.Tech., Regular Profile
16 Ms. N. BINDU MADHAVI Assistant Professor 01/07/2020 M.Tech., Regular Profile
17 Ms. P. JAHNAVI Assistant Professor 01/07/2020 M.Tech., Regular Profile
18 Ms. V. NITHYA Assistant Professor 27/06/2019 M.Tech., Regular Profile
19 Ms. S. DIVYA Assistant Professor 01/07/2019 M.Tech., Regular Profile
20 Mr. M. SREENIVASULU REDDY Assistant Professor 01/07/2014 M.Tech., Regular Profile
21 Ms. M. SAILAJA Assistant Professor 02/06/2017 M.Tech., Regular Profile
22 Ms. A N SWATHI Assistant Professor 06/06/2016 M.Tech., Regular Profile
23 Ms. K.MONIKA Assistant Professor 02/06/2018 M.Tech., Regular Profile
24 Mr. G.MAHESH Assistant Professor 02/06/2017 M.Tech., Regular Profile
25 Ms. M.THEJA Assistant Professor 31/07/2019 M.Tech., Regular Profile
26 Ms. L. KALYANI Assistant Professor 01/06/2019 M.Tech., Regular Profile
27 Mr. T. DHANARAJ Assistant Professor 06/06/2016 M.Tech., Regular Profile
28 Mr. K.VISHNU Assistant Professor 21/05/2022 M.Tech., Regular Profile
29 Ms. K.KOMALA Assistant Professor 01/05/2022 M.Tech., Regular Profile



Electrical Machines Lab


Power Electronics Lab


Control Systems Lab


Power Converters Lab


University Gold Medal in 2018 (Ms. K. Nikitha)

A.P. Prathibha Award in 2018 (Ms. K. Nikitha)